The Arrival

Christine Haroutounian


GRAPHITE Interdisciplinary Journal of the Arts was published and released at the HAMMER Museum in early June 2010.

Featuring critical analyses of film, musicology, photographic display, theatricality, sculpture, and artist intent, the material within GRAPHITE may seem disparate, but one can find the subtle connections between each essay by asking the simple yet thought-provoking question: Through what lens?

It has been a great success sharing it with the public and we are thrilled to have the journal continue to grow in 2010-2011. The editorial staff deeply thanks all the talented writers and artists who contributed to our budding publication, along with our printer, Copypage. We would also like to thank Sue Bell Yank, Marisa Lemorande, and the HAMMER Museum Board and Staff for their incredible support and guidance.

This is an exciting time for us and we want share it with you! If you would like a copy of the journal please send an email to including your name, address, and request of copies. Also check back soon for blog updates and an electronic copy of the first edition right here.