La Patera

Armando Mariño

7/24/20181 min read

watercolor on paper 200 x 150 cm 2003

Old American car (Plymouth 53). 30 Legs made of fiberglass painted with acrylic. 21 C Museum Collection Kentucky.

Exiled. Wooden house. 30 Legs made of fiberglass painted with acrylic. 2016. Anchorage Museum, Alaska.

A renowned Cuban contemporary artist, Armando Mariño is a painter, sculptor and installation artist. He was born in 1968 in Santiago, Cuba, and from 1980 to 1987 he attended Escuela Provincial de Arte “Joaquín Tejada” at Santiago de Cuba, and from 1987 to 1992, Facultad de Educación Artística del Instituto Superior Pedagógico “Enrique José Varona” at Havana. Today he lives and works in New York.