Featured Artist(s): Nadia Hironaka & Matthew Suib


After receiving their Bachelors in Fine Arts from the University of the Arts in Philadelphia, Nadia Hironaka and Matthew Suib began their collaborative work in 2008. Hironaka and Suib have developed a unique style of video art. Their large-scale video projections take on the discordant and exuberant chaos of the montage. Hironaka and Suib pull from a number of sources to reflect their interests in cultural and historical matters, and in their process, add a tinge of satire. Their work has been exhibited at a number of museums, galleries and other venues around the world. As an extension of their video art practice, the two artists founded Screening, Philadelphia’s first gallery “dedicated to the presentation of innovative and challenging works on video and film.”

Check out Screening and their dizzying works on their Vimeo site.